
Legal advice on structuring and modeling, domestic and international, of businesses in the Digital Economy.


Acting in projects involving all aspects of the digital economy, such as information technology (telecommunications, computing and communications), Internet and other possible applications of technology in personal, professional and commercial relationships. Legal analysis, structuring, drafting and negotiation of agreements. Expertise in advisory and litigation matters involving issues related to the digital economy (civil, tax, labor, intellectual property, etc.).


Tax advice to a company in the automotive sector in the development of digital platforms and structuring involving IoT and smart cars.

Tax, social security and labor advice to companies in the technology sector ( software and IT solution providers) in the international hiring of employees under the virtual assignment and in the international structuring of the Group.

Tax advice to companies that import and export technologies (software and hardware) in their logistics operations.

Tax advice to a payment technology company in the structuring of its national and international software licensing.

Tax and corporate advice for the national and international reorganizations of a Group of the automation sector.